Eric | Age: 21 | Laytonsville, MDEric | Age: 21 | Laytonsville, MD Leadership is... a willingness to be the first in and the last out, to put the needs of the team and...
Braylon | Age: 23 | Baton Rouge, LABraylon | Age: 23 | Baton Rouge, LA Former Baton Rouge Mayoral Candidate Leadership is... Embracing the challenges you see before you...
Corrin | Age: 20 | Millsboro, DECorrin | Age: 20 | Millsboro, DE Leadership is... the desire to encourage others to perform to their highest capabilities and beyond, as...
Ken | Age: 21 | Detroit, MIKen | Age: 21 | Detroit, MI Detroit Mayoral Candidate Leadership is... when you have the ability to make change. When you have the...