Megan | Age: 20 | Macomb, MI

Leadership is... the mindset of the individual. It’s too often perceived that leadership is some prestigious concept only bestowed upon those who act within high positions of responsibility. Leadership is not a label. Leadership is attitude and state of mind, something that resonates in the daily actions of a person.
Leadership in Life... I’ve always been drawn to being a cheerleader in someone else’s story. In getting involved with two Michigan state leadership organizations, MASC/MAHS (Michigan Association of Student Councils and Honor Societies) and MYLead (Michigan Youth Leadership), my love for encouraging the happiness and ambitions of upcoming generations has only been further engrained in my journey. However, only recently have I begun to realize the importance of consistent self-reflection and daily growth as well. Think about it – how can you continue to help someone else grow if you don’t understand how to first practice individual growth with yourself? A concept I am thankful to have learned is BE. BE is an acronym meaning to be Better Every-day. What simple and tangible actions can you partake in during your daily routine that can transform into habit, which then transforms into a lifestyle best suited for your best self? This shouldn’t be a weakness you’re trying to “fix.” We’re human, we won’t be perfect at everything. Everyone, whether we like it or not, has weaknesses. Something else that is part of being human, though, is having areas of improvement where we have the want and thirst to be better versions of ourselves. What, in your lifestyle as an individual, are you eager to work at? This is your BE.
Advice… Take time to constantly learn yourself, because we are always going through personal change as life progresses forward. Ask questions, reflect, re-think your actions, and see how you can further define your “why” in your daily life.
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