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Caroline | Age: 22 | Carmel, IN

Caroline | Age: 22 | Carmel, IN

Leadership is... setting an example for the others around you. If you want to be a leader, you have to act like one. You have to be able to set the tone because others are looking up to you. It is important that even when things go wrong, you are still doing your best. I don't think that leadership looks the same for everyone, but in so many aspects of life it is important to have leadership.

Leadership in Life... I strive to live my life in the best way possible and in a way that I can make myself and others proud. I strive to lead by living my life with a positive outlook and always making sure to stand up when I fall. I can't control the situations that come my way, but I can control how I act on them and taking each hardship by storm. I have also learned that sometimes you have to ask for help, and thats okay. Sometimes it is the bravest thing you can do.

Advice… Do what makes you happy and always be strong. The world is so judgmental these days, but it is always important to do the things that make you happy. When you are happy, it makes everything so much easier and better. When it comes to jobs and internships you have to find things that you are passionate about because that is when you are able to do your best work. Sometimes it feels like all life wants to do is knock you down, and you have to keep fighting for better days. Some days it pours, but eventually the sun will come out and there will be a new day. Make the most of each one.

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