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Camryn | Age: 18 | Harbor Beach, MI

Camryn | Age: 18 | Harbor Beach, MI

Leadership is... giving others the opportunity to reach their potentials. Leadership is motivating and uplifting in the sense of showing others what they are capable of.

Leadership in Life... I found leadership as I attended the Michigan Youth Leadership (MYLead) conference my sophomore year of high school. Prior to this experience, I would consider my 15 year-old self a follower. I joined organizations and sports teams in my high school because my sister was already a part of them. I wanted to follow in her footsteps in everything in life. However, once I realized my potential and who I could be as a leader through MYLead, I decided to change my role of being a follower to being a leader. I made a goal to become my student council’s president my senior year, which I did. As president, I carried on numerous traditions and even started some new ones. We hosted several events for the first time ever in school history that pushed others to try something new! In fact, one of these events included the entire high school to participate in expanding their comfort zones! Needless to say, it was one of the most successful years our school has ever had in regards to student council and its activities, and none of this would have been possible if I had not become a “Young Leader” at the Michigan Youth Leadership conference my sophomore year. Nonetheless, serving as student council president my senior year has been quite the experience when it comes to being a leader. I realized my potential after opening my eyes at MYLead, and I am so excited to continue to lead others so they can reach their potentials and step outside their comfort zones too. Changing my school’s atmosphere as student council president may have been a huge accomplishment for me, but I know I have a lot more in store, and I cannot wait to change the world.

Advice… Be confident. You can do anything you want to in life as long as you believe in yourself. I never would have thought I would have had such an honorable leadership role, but I made it a goal because I believed in myself. That is how I became a leader.

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