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Hannah | Age: 20 | Clinton Township, MI

Hannah | Age: 20 | Clinton Township, MI

Leadership is... a way to find your passion and make your story in the world. It's a tool to help both you and others with similar goals complete them.

Leadership in Life... Going from high school to college was relatively easy, except when it wasn't. School was hard, and I went from being president and super involved to not really knowing what to do. This past year, I learned how to deal with rejection not once but five times to different things, but I also learned what I truly enjoyed doing. These experiences guided me to find my major, make memories, and find a path that allows me to work on my passion, rather than being spread too thin and not enjoying what I'm learning.

Advice… No matter what type of leader you are, use your strengths to find your passion and follow them! It's hard sometimes to only concentrate on one thing, but it's more fulfilling to find something that you can work on with your heart and soul than being spread too thin from wanting to do everything.

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