Kameron | Age: 19 | Detroit, MI
Campus Editor-at-Large, The Huffington Post
Leadership is... a healthy dose of self-doubt, a desire to see success beyond that of oneself, and a commitment to the common good.
Leadership in Life... Last fall, doctors discovered a tumor in my jaw. This was a slightly damning diagnosis--I had several big events I was scheduled to attend, projects to work on, etc. Many of those had to be postponed and ultimately canceled. I was scared for my health and my future. Lots of my work deals with oratory instruction and competence, and to have a shattered mouth seemed like a career dead on arrival. Eventually I had surgery and the tumor was removed and unfortunately two teeth went with it. Now, months have passed, my mouth has started to heal, and I realize that even some of the greatest setbacks don't have to be permanent. I've learned how to speak differently, how to compensate, and how to continue pursuing my dreams with a slightly crooked smile.
Advice… Take advantage of every opportunity you're confronted with, and seek out more. Try everything. Apply for everything. The world is really open to you. The worst someone can say is no, but even then you're just right where you started.
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